Nov 8, 2018
Have you been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism or suspect you have it? In this episode, I discuss all things Hypothyroid and weight loss or the lack thereof and what you can do about it.
In this episode, you will learn
GET YOUR FREE 2-week trial membership of the OnTrack women's transformational weight loss program and a beginners guide to finding your weight loss code here!
Join the OnTrack Women's Weight Loss program
OnTrack is for women who are ready to drop the dieting mentality and find out the real reason they're not losing weight.
Karen Martel, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and weight loss expert. Karen's passion lies in helping women find their weight loss code through body positive nutrition, correcting digestive issues, optimizing hormones and managing chronic stress. She is a health leader and researcher determined to revolutionize nutrition for modern women.