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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel – your personal invitation to a world of hormone health, sustainable weight loss, holistic well-being, and embracing life's stages with a big old dose of vitality and confidence.

Nov 28, 2023

Ben is the author of four best-selling books, Keto Flex, The Perfect Health Booklet, The Intermittent Fasting Cheat Sheet, and The Power of Sleep. Ben has been the go-to source for intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet. 

Ben is the host of a top 15 podcast,  The Keto Kamp Podcast which won Keto Podcast of The Year...

Sep 17, 2020

One of the most hotly debated topics in the ketogenic sphere is "Does the keto diet affect thyroid function?" In this episode I end the battle once and for all! 

Find out in this episode

  • How the keto diet can negatively and positively affect thyroid function.

  • The different types of hypothyroidism and how that can...

Feb 22, 2019

Daniel Perryman is a martial artist, physique competitor, fitness and nutrition enthusiast and host of The Low Carb Leader podcast.
In this episode:
- How Dan transitioned from a SAD diet to keto during his physique competition days and what that did for his body.
- The consequences of extreme dieting to your...

Dec 13, 2018

In this episode, I talk to you Dr. Kenneth Brown board-certified gastroenterologist about IBS.

What irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is.

How it can affect your weight.

Why standard protocols often don't work.

What chronic digestive issues can do to your brain...