Feb 28, 2019
In this episode, I talk with award-winning actress Kristin West
about body positivity. Learn about the importance of positive body
image and self-acceptance. How to overcome judgment from yourself
and society. How self-acceptance and love for yourself has to come
first in the journey of losing weight.
Kristin West is...
Feb 22, 2019
Daniel Perryman is a martial artist, physique competitor, fitness
and nutrition enthusiast and host of The Low Carb Leader
In this episode:
- How Dan transitioned from a SAD diet to keto during his physique
competition days and what that did for his body.
- The consequences of extreme dieting to your...
Feb 7, 2019
Could your lighting environment be making you fat? According to the biomedical student and researcher Scott Patton the answer is ABSOLUTELY! For 6 million years we rose with the sun and went down with the sun. Now we are living under the harsh glare of artificial lighting and our bodies are feeling the effects of it!