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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel – your personal invitation to a world of hormone health, sustainable weight loss, holistic well-being, and embracing life's stages with a big old dose of vitality and confidence.

Nov 28, 2023

Ben is the author of four best-selling books, Keto Flex, The Perfect Health Booklet, The Intermittent Fasting Cheat Sheet, and The Power of Sleep. Ben has been the go-to source for intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet. 

Ben is the host of a top 15 podcast,  The Keto Kamp Podcast which won Keto Podcast of The Year...

Nov 18, 2023

Dr. David Minkoff is not only a renowned medical professional but also a visionary in the field of complementary and alternative medicine.


His journey has been characterized by a thirst for knowledge, leading him to explore a diverse array of disciplines, including heavy metal detoxification, anti-aging medicine,...

Nov 11, 2023

This week we’re discussing the crucial role of hormone replacement therapy timing. If you’ve ever wondered when you should begin hormone replacement therapy, then this episode is for you. We’ll learn about hormone markers, along with the impact of being estrogenic or androgenic. We also look at signs of hormone...

Nov 4, 2023

Dr. Grace Liu PharmD is an IFM-trained functional medicine practitioner and founder of The Gut Institute. She is a clinical pharmacist with a doctorate in practice for 20+ years and specializes in complex disease management. Dr. Liu consults and helps clients gain optimal performance through rebuilding the microbiome...