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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel – your personal invitation to a world of hormone health, sustainable weight loss, holistic well-being, and embracing life's stages with a big old dose of vitality and confidence.

Feb 26, 2022

In this episode I share with you my  own personal health journey through the last 3 years.

After experiencing what I call a thyroid storm that left me overweight, depressed, itchy and miserable I went on a hunt to figure out why my thyroid wasn't working right. 

Finally, after 3 years of perseverance, self discovery...

Feb 19, 2022

LIZ DICKINSON AND SHANNON SHEARN, are the co-founders of RELISH LIFE. Relish Life takes a 360-degree approach to weight loss by tackling the root causes of unhealthy eating habits.

Their unique approach to weight loss combines prescription medication with psychological techniques that identify past traumas and lifestyle...

Feb 12, 2022

The first birth control pill was approved in 1960 and it has provided nearly 60 years of reproductive freedom for tens of millions of women. 

Although birth control pills may be referred to as hormonal contraception, in reality, there are not any natural hormones found in birth control pills. Birth control...