May 16, 2019
Ellen Barrett, M.A., is a well-known mind/body movement instructor, with blockbuster videos like Fat Burning Pilates, The Yogini Workout, and Prevention’s Flat Belly series.
She’s the author of four wellness books, including her latest, 28Days Lighter Diet, which delves into, specifically, women and weight release. With yoga, Pilates, ACE-Fitness, and Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) certifications, Ellen is helming the Now Age of empowered health, by bridging movement, diet and lifestyle.
In this episode:
Take the Hormone Quiz and find out what is stopping you from losing weight.
Join the OnTrack women's weight loss and hormone balancing master class.
In the OnTrack Program, You Find Out Exactly What is Keeping You From Losing Weight, Balance Your Hormones and Feel Amazing!
Karen Martel, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and weight loss expert.