Apr 23, 2024
Welcome to Quick Hits: Blasts from The Past where Karen dives
into the treasure trove of her podcast archives to bring you
bite-sized gems from some of her best episodes. In just 15 minutes,
She'll whisk you away on a nostalgic journey through the highlights
of her past conversations, giving you a taste of the wisdom,
insights, and laughs shared by our incredible guests. Don't worry
if you find yourself craving more; we've got you covered with links
to the full episodes in our show notes.
Listen to the full episode here;
In 1986, at the bottom of a ten-year spiral into depression, rage,
and self-loathing, Byron Katie woke up one morning to a state of
constant joy that has never left her. She realized that when she
believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but that when she
questioned them, she didn't suffer, and that this is true for every
human being. Her simple yet powerful process of inquiry is called
The Work.
Eckhart Tolle says, "Byron Katie's Work is a great blessing for our
planet." Time magazine calls Katie "a spiritual innovator for the
new millennium."
The Work consists of four questions and the turnarounds, which are
a way of experiencing the opposite of what you believe. When you
question a thought, you see around it to the choices beyond
Katie has been bringing The Work to millions of people for more
than thirty years. Her public events, weekend workshops, five-day
intensives, nine-day School for The Work, and 28-day residential
Turnaround House have brought freedom to people all over the
Byron Katie's books include the bestselling Loving What Is, I Need
Your Love—Is That True?, A Thousand Names for Joy, and A Mind at
Home with Itself. For more information, visit www.thework.com.
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Karen Martel, Certified Hormone Specialist & Transformational Nutrition Coach and weight loss expert.
Visit https://karenmartel.com/