Nov 20, 2021
Lots of great questions sent in for this Q&A with Karen;
Hi Karen! I’ve been looking all over for info on increasing testosterone. Mine has been incredibly low. I’m 34, not menopausal, been eating keto for years, I’ve tested when I did carnivore a year ago and again and still low. I eat lots of red meat, liver. Not sure what else to do. DHEA was in “normal” range and so were B vitamins. Is there anything I’m missing?
Is oral progesterone or cream better
How the heck do I get some energy back so I can eat well and exercise? It's so difficult to get motivated and the weight is piling on. PS I love you Karen, you are saving my life 😍.
Hi Karen, I'm looking forward to the Q &A Saturday. I wonder about the estradiol patch? Is it bioidentical? How often do you change? Benefits/ drawbacks? How does it compare to cream?
Is pregnenolone a good option for perimenopause?
Are you able to discuss your thoughts on the current mRna vaccine and its potential effects on hormones?