Sep 10, 2020
We all know that alcohol is not our friend when it comes to weight loss and hormone health. But it seems that most therapies and therapists offer an all-or-nothing solution give up completely or give in to the drink. However, there is good news for those of you who would like to reduce your intake without giving up completely.
Clinical hypnotherapist Georgia Foster offers us a middle way and even better, it takes just seven days! Georgia Foster is a world renowned hypnotherapist, top selling author, international speaker and creator of life changing programs including The Weight Less Mind, The Drink Less Mind, Drink Less in 7 Days, The 4 Secrets of Amazing Sex, The Stress Less Mind, and The Fertile Mind. Georgia specializes in alcohol reduction, emotional over-eating, self-esteem and anxiety.
Her unique and highly successful approach has helped tens of thousands of people learn how to feel better emotionally and physically. Georgia has been featured regularly in the media in UK and Australia including Sky News, GMTV, Psychologies Magazine, and Good Housekeeping, amongst others.
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