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The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel

Welcome to The Hormone Solution Podcast with Karen Martel – your personal invitation to a world of hormone health, sustainable weight loss, holistic well-being, and embracing life's stages with a big old dose of vitality and confidence.

Dec 11, 2021

How much fat will you gain if you eat an excess of calories for 1 day all the way up to 30 days? 

Is it water weight or actual fat? 

How do we navigate the holidays in a way where we enjoy some of our favorite indulgences but NOT gain any weight? 

In this episode I will answer all of that and more!

Todays podcast is sponsored by Prolon The Fasting Mimicking Diet. Purchase your Prolon Kit today and get 10% off with coupon code KARENM10!

The Women's Wellness Shop for all of your hormonal needs.  

Purchase your at home Hormone Test Kits here. 

Start your membership to the OnTrack group coaching program to help you balance your hormones and lose weight.  

Karen Martel, Certified Hormone Specialist & Transformational Nutrition Coach and weight loss expert. 


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